Rightsizing Your Home– with a Tag Sale

Even the so-called “Rightsizing Queen” has dirty little secrets like millions of other Americans who put the stuff they can’t use currently in an off-site storage locker. I’ve had one since our “empty nest” family moved from 4000 sq. ft. in Southern California to our current 1200 sq. ft.-and-holding in the San Francisco Bay Area…..Read More

Rightsizing at a Writers’ Conference

Fall and Spring in lovely settings–that’s pretty much the routine when it comes to holding writers’ conferences, and the Scribblers’ Retreat is no exception!  Held quarterly, the next one is November 10-14  at the King and Prince Beach and Golf Resort –shown here–on gorgeous St. Simons Island, Georgia and features both fiction and nonfiction writers, such as yours….Read More

But Little Joey Made It!

There are certain objects in life you pretty much keep forever.  My son’s little handprint mashed into clay held paper clips on my desk for years  Now that we’re living in a 1000 square foot cottage overlooking San Francisco Bay, it’s wrapped in tissue in a box with a knit suit he wore on his….Read More

Radio for Rightsizers

For many years, I made the majority of my living as a health and lifestyle commentator and reporter for KABC Radio & TV in Southern California.  In fact, for 17 years, I rose at 4:45a.m. each morning, read three newspapers, wrote two ninety-second stories and broadcast them “live” from 5:00 to 9:00a.m. from my home….Read More

Who’s Rightsizing?

Look what flew into my Inbox the other day? This picture was sent by an architect named Charles Durrett of McCamant & Durrett, designers of owner-planned communities–known as cohousing communities– where each household has its own “space,” but where many other aspects of daily life and home-owning are shared.  I interviewed Chuck back in 2006….Read More